2011 News
The best team and Finnish Rogaining Champion 2011 is vapaa.info (Marko Vapa, Mikko Vapa) winning the MO-class. They were awarded Garmin Forerunner 410 gps watches. Winner and Finnish Champion in XO class is Carpe Diem! (Reigo Lehtla, Aljona Karloseva) and they were given Garmin Forerunner 210 gps watches. In WO class the Finnish Champions are ladies of ScandinavianOutdoorStore.com (Riitta Siltanen, Ulla Silventoinen) and now the proud owners of Garmin Forerunner 210 gps watches. The other medalists were awarded product prizes from La Sportiva, Marmot and Valotukku.fi
In 24 hour class and in 8 hour class there was also a lottery of prizes with La Sportiva, Marmot, Valotukku.fi and Garmin products. The proud owners of Garmin Forerunner 210 are Marko Tasanen, Tyykikylän Blues (8XO) and Arvo Kivikas, ISC (24MSV)
22.8.2011 11.40
Next year
There will be Mini Retki Rogaining with 8h and 4h classes somewhere in Pirkanmaa 26.5.2012 and Retki Rogaining 2012 with 24h and 8h classes in southern Finland 28.-29.7.2012.
22.8.2011 11.03
Preliminary results of Retki Rogaining 2011
Results of Retki Rogaining 2011
22.8.2011 11.00
Runners on the loose
One fourth of the competition has passed now. Very first competitors of the 8h series just finished and everything is set up for receiving the rest of this class to the finish. While getting the results for the 8h, the real challenge for the 24h teams is starting - as the night falls.
This year there are all together 80 teams in 24h series and 51 teams in 8h series.
Let's keep thumbs up for all the teams!
20.8.2011 18.40
Approach information
Waypoints to get to the competition center
Parking: N60° 07.199', E023° 23.053'
Race office: N60° 07.113', E023° 22.918'
19.8.2011 13.28
Updated map of competition center
Race office has moved closer to start area

Please follow the signs from Karjaa and Pohja villages to the race center.
18.8.2011 23.18
Water stations
There are several water stations in the terrain. Water is either from wells or in water canisters. You might find pure water from lakes or rivers but even then we recommend you to use some water purification agent.
More info about water stations can be found from the race map.
18.8.2011 08.36
Looking for a pair...
One finnish guy needs a pair in 24 h competition. He likes to go to enjoy... not race to win. If you are interested, send an e-mail to (petteri.nikki(at)hovi-nikki.fi)
17.8.2011 20.20
How to attach SPORTIdent card in your wrist
Finnish adventure race ArticCircle24h used also SPORTIdent cards. They have made very good instructions "How to attach SPORTIdent card in your wrist" you can read instructions here.
13.8.2011 12.34
Perfect weather for the race weekend or so it seems now
Friday 19.8. all sunshine / day +22 / night +11
Saturday 20.8. all sunshine / day +21 / night +15
Check weather www.foreca.fi/Finland/Raseborg/tenday.
11.8.2011 16.34
Food at the competition center
Eating and drinking is arranged in the competition center at certain times:
07.30-09.00 Breakfast
11.00-13.00 Lunch
16.30-18.00 Dinner
There will be resonable price.
During the race, between Saturday 14.00 and Sunday 14.00, there will be food served in the hash-house. This service is included in the registration fee.
11.8.2011 16.17
Model event
There is a short model event on Friday 19.8. starting at 18. You will get a small piece of the competition map in scale 1:40000. You are free to walk or run to visit a few special controls. This way you might get an idea of the map and the terrain. But remenber, don't take it too seriously, as you do not get any points on Friday.
11.8.2011 16.10
308 runners!
There will be intensive battles for the Finnish Championships in 24h MO, WO and XO categories. All juniors, veterans and super veterans are naturally also in the battle.
11.8.2011 15.58
Be quick
Tomorrow is the last date to register. After that we cannot quarantee your participation, as we might run out of SI-cards.
9.8.2011 16.21
Last adjustments on checkpoints
What should be the level of difficulty in a championships rogaining event? Once again we look at the preliminary competition map to make last adjustments. There are large areas of the terrain very fast and checkpoints easily accessible, but, then there are areas where speed is reduced to the minimum and checkpoints are either very difficult to reach or find. To collect the most difficult checkpoints you’ll have to be certain of your route and awake. Anyway, all checkpoints are clearly placed and accurate with the map, they just have different levels of difficulty. Examples of the preliminary competition map.
5.8.2011 7.52
Few photos of the competition area
You can find those photos in Retki-Rogaining official photo site.
4.8.2011 22.22
List of participants is now updated with up to date information from the bank. If you think your team should be marked as paid please contact jari.kaaja(at)x-sprint.com
19.7.2011 9.22
Smartum seteleillä maksaminen
Payment by using Smartum "exercise voucher". Sorry, this is only in finnish. Nyt myös Smartum -seteleillä on mahdollista maksaa Rogaining-tapahtuman osallistumismaksu. Allekirjoitetut setelit tulee toimittaa postitse osoitteeseen: Kalke ry / Jari Kaaja, Tanhuantie 18, 36200 Kangasala. Lisätiedot ja kysmykset jari.kaaja(at)x-sprint.com
15.7.2011 12.49
Less than two months to the start
Great! There are now over 100 teams and more than 230 rogaining enthusiasts registered in the competition. And more people, also beginners, are registering all the time. It’s good to see strong participation from both Finland and abroad in this demanding ultra distance orienteering event.
Some people describe rogaining as extreme sport, but it is up to you how hard you push yourself in the event. Keep in mind that this sport is mostly about tactical orienteering, but also knowing your physical capabilities and strong team work.
1.7.2011 22.11