

Rogaining is team sport of long distance cross-country navigation and enjoying. It is closely related to orienteering and many people enjoy both sports. The events can take up to 24 hours on route choosen by the competitors.

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2010 News

Results for 24h

Winners of 24h race and Finnish Rogaining Championship 2010 were team 'Team Garmin Adventure', Juha Lehtonen and Mikko Kolehmainen. For more information please see the result page.

25.7.2010 13.10

Results for 8h

8h classes made their way to the finish in good weather, before any rain arrived to the competition area. Winner with 143 points was team 'Madrog II'. For more information please see the result page.

25.7.2010 0.37

Moving to the competition centre

Road from Kaanaa to the competition centre is close due to a rally beginning from Saturday morning at 8 am. Because of this, please follow our road guidance via Hirsilä.

23.7.2010 14.29

How to attach SPORTIdent card in your wrist

Finnish adventure race ArticCircle24h used also SPORTIdent cards. They have made very good instructions "How to attach SPORTIdent card in your wrist" you can read instructions here.

20.7.2010 22.22

Cold nights

Weather forecast is promising a weekend of good weather, but at night the temperature may fall below 10 degrees.

20.7.2010 22.20

Road guidance

Road guidance will be ready on friday 16.00. You can find out link for starting point in finnish citixen's mapsite here.

20.7.2010 22.13

Sunset / sunrise

Sunset 24.7. 22:26 and sunrise: 25.7. 04:33

If you want to rent ultra-powerfull led headlamp for you. We have three packages for rent. Rent / set is 40 € (headlamp + accu). Reservations by e-mail,

18.7.2010 16.54

No fire!

Even a camping cooker use is not permitted in camping area, but we will arrange the place where the stoves may be used close to the hash house.

17.7.2010 10.24

Breakfast on Saturday

Due to the campfire ban. We have held a breakfast on Saturday morning. Breakfast costs 5 € . And it includes: cereals, bread, yogurt, juice, tea, cold cuts, fruit ... If you want breakfast, put e-mail to us ( so we know to reserve sufficient food.

17.7.2010 10.24


This year it is also permitted to use your own SportIdent-card. If you want to use your own card, you need to add your card number to your team's information in the registration system. Do it soon, no later than Monday evening. Please note that valid SI-cards are just version of the 6 cards, whose numbers are 500000-999999. You can add the card number when you go to edit the name of a competitor. Please note that EMIT is not used in the event.

17.7.2010 10.23

Transportation from Tampere railway station to the competition center

Transportation will be arranged. We need the information when you are arriving to Tampere and when you are leaving from Tampere on Sunday. So that we can plan for transit times. Binding registration e-mail ( Transport price is around 25-30 € (return)

17.7.2010 10.22

7 days and 3 hours to departure, the third Retki-Rogaining

Everything is ready. Maps have been printed and awards obtained. Control points are exported to the terrain on Friday. Welcome!

17.7.2010 9.00